The information requested on these Profiles helps us understand your situation and wishes for the future. Your time invested in completing the appropriate Profile ensures that our time together is productive and that your concerns are addressed during our initial visit.
All information provided is strictly confidential and protected by a legal privilege. By completing the appropriate Profile, you are helping us to meet your unique goals.
Please return the completed Profile to our office by mail, e-mail or fax one week in advance of your initial visit.
This is a checklist of all the documents that our office will need from all new clients.
This form must be completed by all prospective clients who are interested in estate planning services.
This form must be completed by all prospective clients who are interested in estate planning services.
If you are planning to provide for a loved one with special needs, please also complete this form.
If you have assets held abroad, please complete this form. We require complete information on all assets, both domestic and foreign, in order to provide our best advice for your particular situation.
To plan for Medi-Cal eligibility for long-term care benefits, we will need the information requested in this Profile.
Confidential Estate Profile for administering a decedent’s estate.
Full schedule of events for our October 14, 2011 event for business owners
Register to attend our October 14, 2011 educational event for business owners.